The Reality Of Recovery

The reality of recovery workshops and peer counselling is designed to spread mental health awareness and advocacy. It helps mental health consumers overcome stigma, accept their illness, seek quality treatment and recover some of all the things they have lost due to their illness.

Recovery from mental illness is a process of change through which individuals:

  • Improve their health and wellness

  • Live a self-directed life

  • Strive to achieve their full potential 

 There are four major dimensions of recovery that support a life of recovery:

  • Health: Make informed healthy choices that support physical and emotional wellbeing.

  • Home: Have a safe and stable place to live.

  • Purpose: Engage in meaningful daily activities such as a job or school, volunteering, caring for your family, or being creative. Work for independence, income or resources to participate in society.

  • Community: Build relationships and social networks that provide support, friendship, love and hope. 

 Recovery from mental illness is possible. Most people living with mental illness can get better. Treatment and recovery are an ongoing process that happens over time and recovery is different for every consumer. The first step is getting help. Then when setting your goals for recovery ask the question what is your passion or purpose? Then ask the final question what your hopes and dreams are.

The reality of recovery workshop and peer counseling works for individuals, large and small groups. It is guaranteed to change the individual, the public, the providers and the consumers perspective on recovery from mental illness. So don’t delay book an appointment today and help the recovery movement move full steam ahead.
