Our mission is to share the Gospel with anyone who has an ear to hear. Thus, helping to ensure everyone has an opportunity to hear the Gospel message during their lifetime. We will also provide outreach to those who are hungry, thirsty, needing clothes, sick or in prison.
We are an outspoken organization that speaks truth to power and uses the Gospel to create social change. We are fearless in our approach to achieving our mission. It’s been our experience that the Gospel message is hard for some people to stomach. It’s a truth like a sword that cuts on both sides but when one accepts it in their heart it heals every wound.
Greatest Love Home Care is an assisted living group home to meet the needs of seniors and those with disabilities who need supports living independently in our communities. Our caregivers provide compassionate care and foster a sense of family with all our residents. We will meet the needs of our clients with the greatest love so they can live in safety, security and have the hope of a better tomorrow. Providing quality care is never forgetting that our client’s are #1. We will provide Personal Care, Companionship, Nutrition, Toileting, Mobility, and Supportive Services. We will partner with the client’s family to ensure the client feels like they are being treated with dignity and respect. We will rest on our Motto “whatever we do for the least of our brothers and sisters we do for our Lord.”
Every child in America deserves a chance to grow up in safe and in full health and receive a good education. However, many children are deprived of this by circumstances of their community and society, 4-P.E.A.CE. represents a force for change in the circumstances of these youth. We are committed to the elevation of the thinking of many children caught up by their circumstances. Among high-risk youth, a subgroup consisting of urban children, aged 6 to 13 deserves special attention. Because the drug culture surrounds and threatens these children at a very young age it’s essential to reach them at this stage. By the time they are teenagers, they are extremely vulnerable to the negative aspects of their communities, and a dwindling hope in any other sort of future.
Derek Ballard AKA speakmybrother is a Motivational Speaker and Minister for people of all walks of life. With a firm belief that Love is the greatest of all things, Speakmybrother conveys this message in all his speeches and sermons. There are many people suffering from many different situations in our community. They find themselves in need of real help like assistance with food, shelter, clothing, and medicine. Speakmybrother’s goal is not only to provide a word of hope and healing but to also provide real resources to meet the immediate needs of the individuals who are suffering. Speakmybrother’s messages are crafted to help encourage the poor, our children, our seniors, and the disabled. These populations deserve our special attention because it’s how we treat these individuals is how we will be judged by those who come after us....
Greatest Love Inc., has four outreach programs 4-P.E.A.C.E., Greatest Love Home Care, Speakmybrother and the Reality of Recovery. These programs are designed to meet the needs of our children, the disabled, our seniors and those in recovery. We will also meet the needs of anyone who is hungry, thirsty, homeless, sick or in prison.
On January 1st we will start our "dollar for love" campaign. We will ask anyone who's been touched by love to give one dollar so we can touch another with the power of love. Your one dollar donation will go along way in helping those in need find the help they so desperately deserve.
So please click the PayPal button below and show your love.
It’s without a doubt that the homeless woman of the MAWC have benefited tremendously from Mr. Derek Ballard’s guidance, direction and presentation.
Mr. Ballard, I hope you feel rewarded for all your efforts not only for yourself but for so many future nurses you have touched.
Become a Volunteer at best human relief foundation, USA.
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Help us today with our fundraising campaign so that we can help the multitude feel God's Love.
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By donating today you are doing your part in showing our lord you have cared for the least of our brothers and sisters.